Search for media from: "Greta Murdoch"

My Accent is My Superpower (Summary) | International Student Employability

Federation University provides contextualised support addressing the intersectionality and extra barriers faced by international students regarding employability. …

From  Greta Murdoch 54 plays

My Accent is My Superpower - Launch Event | Federation University International Student Employability

Showcasing international students entering the Australian workforce.Federation University provides contextualised support addressing the intersectionality and extra barriers faced by international…

From  Greta Murdoch 34 plays

My Accent is My Superpower (Health Care) Federation University International Employability

My Accent is my superpower (Health Care) Federation University International Student EmployabilityShowcasing International Students entering the Australian workforce Arjun is interviewed for an…

From  Greta Murdoch 11 plays